No sólo hay que estar atentos -como hace el Plan Estratégico para el Sector Aeronáutico Nacional 2008-2016 del CDTI-Ministerio de Industria- a los UAV/UAS: El INTA presenta todos los UAV de desarrollo español en FIDAE 08.
También a sistemas terrestres: 2018: UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle- vehículos terrestres no tripulados.
Y a los marinos/submarinos: La Armada adjudica a la pyme gallega Gauzón Ibérica la modificación del robot submarino Scorpio por 1,45 millones de euros para hacerlo desplegable en cualquier buque de la Flota.
Todo ello tiene aplicaciones múltiples, aprovechando todos los recursos disponibles: por ejemplo el control de fugas y "pinchazos" en las redes de distribución, por ejemplo, en Defensa del Agua: toda solución es política. También en materia de energía...
Foto extraída de War is Boring, blog de David Axe, porque recuerda que los beneficiados por todo ello son las personas. Dicho blog me permite saludar al VA John Morgan y a sus amigos, que como son los míos...
Hi. This is David Axe from War is Boring.
Hey, I think the maritime strategy is great and it’s — encouraging to see the Navy thinking about these things and coming up with a pretty reasonable answer to the Navy’s place in the world today.
But what I think we haven’t seen is a connection between the strategy and acquisitions. In other words, okay, you’ve got a great strategy, but what kind of ships do you need to make it happen? And in light of the sort of turmoil in Navy shipbuilding, it looks like the Navy hasn’t quite answered that question.
Can you tell me is there somewhere a coherent plan to pull off this strategy with shipbuilding, or to use shipbuilding to help execute this strategy that we’re just not seeing?
ADM. MORGAN: Is it David, is that correct?
David, yeah.
ADM. MORGAN: Yeah, David, great point. There are some things that you’re not seeing that I’ll be happy to discuss. And one of the central notions that motivated us to write this strategy in the first place was this: We said simply every budget is a strategy, and if you agree with that notion, then we argued that if that’s true, then you ought to give some strategic thinking to your budget. And what that has led us to is a new process in the Navy, and the process is this, and it’s part of what you’re not seeing.
We wanted to make sure that we could articulate strategically where we think the Navy should be, along with the Coast Guard and the Marine Corps in the future. So we wanted to have that coherent, strategic story first.
P.D. Curiosa portada en todos sus titulares de El País, del domingo 6 de abril, abajo. Dicho esto, en Radio Sefarad, servidor analizando la política internacional, en La realidad es un "mikado".
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