
XX Annual Strategy Conference - Strategic Implications of Emerging Technologies

Prefacio español

Mientras que acá atravesamos las crisis financieras, del ladrillo, del turismo, de la cirugía estética de consumo -tetas, labios y estiramientos varios, ya saben- y, sobre todo, de la comunicación política, es bonito comprobar que por ahí fuera se piensa en el futuro.

El Economista ha editado Oficial y licenciado donde algo dice servidor de Uds., (Ecoaula con el texto íntegro, pgs 4 y 5)

En la foto de arriba, hay muestra de microrobótica con, sospecho, algún elemento de nanorobótica dentro, con un enorme parecido con a una libélula / mosca cojonera, muy útil para infiltrarse, observar/atacar y exfiltrarse...

Si la crisis de gobierno no altera los planes, algunos españoles se reunirán para ver que hacemos con las tecnologías duales de las que disponemos. Somos, créanlo, competitivos en bionanotecnologías.

Semper Fi

April 14-16, 2009

Carlisle, PA, United States

Conference Tentative Agenda

Tuesday, April 14

8:00AM-4:00PM Check-in
Location - Bliss Hall Foyer

9:00AM-4:00PM Optional Free AHEC Tours (learn more)
Location - Army Heritage and Education Center

6:30PM-8:30PM Reception
Welcome Remarks: MG Robert M. Williams, Commandant
Location - Letort View Community Center (LVCC)

Wednesday, April 15

7:00AM-8:00AM Late Check-in
Location - Bliss Hall Foyer

8:30AM-10:00AM Keynote Address - Commandant's Lecture Series
Strategy and Technology: Where and How They Interface Today
Dr. John a. Parmentola, Army Director for Research and Laboratory
Location - Bliss Hall

10:00AM-10:15AM Break

10:15AM-11:45AM Panel I - Biotechnologies: Genetic Engineering and Molecular
Chair - Dr. Robert Kokoska
Panelists - Dr. Christopher MacDonald, Ms. Lisa Swan
Location - Bliss Hall

11:45AM-1:15PM Lunch Presentation
The Electromagnetic Gun and its Strategic Implications
Speaker - Dr. Harry Fair, Institute for Advanced Technology,
University of Texas
Location - Root Hall Gym

1:30PM-3:00PM Panel II - Nanotechnologies and National Security
Chair - Mr. Kevin Cogan
Panelists - Dr. James Murday, Mr. William Parker, Dr. David Bishop
Location - Bliss Hall

3:00PM-3:15PM Break

3:15PM-4:45PM Panel III - Robotics and Contemporary/Future Warfare
Chairs - Mr. Robert Barnes
Panelists - Dr. John Schuster, Dr. Peter Singer, Dr. Robert
Location - Bliss Hall

4:45PM-6:30PM Personal Time

6:00PM-7:00PM Cash Bar Open
Location - Hotel Carlisle

7:00PM-9:00PM Banquet
The Enemy After Next
Presentation - Dr. Dennis Bushnell, NASA Langley Research
Location - Hotel Carlisle

Thursday, April 16

8:30AM-10:00AM Panel IV - Artificial Intelligence and Defense Strategy
Chair - Mr. William Doll
Panelists - Dr. Dennis McBride, Dr. Christopher Coker, Dr. Brian
Location - Bliss Hall

10:00AM-10:15AM Break

10:15AM-11:45AM Panel V - Alternative Energies and America's Security
Chair - Dr. Douglas Johnson
Panelists - Mr. Joseph Sartiano, Mr. Jerry Warner, Dr. David
Kreutzer, Mr. Erik Kreil
Location - Bliss Hall

11:45PM-1:30PM Lunch Presentation -Physics for Future Presidents: What Every World Leader Needs to Know
Speaker - Dr. Richard A. Muller, University of California, Berkeley
Location - LVCC

1:30PM-2:30PM Afternoon Keynote Address
Revolutions in Military Affairs as Ways of War, 1914-2014
Mr. Peter Wilson, RAND
Location - Bliss Hall

2:30PM-2:45PM Break

2:45PM-4:00PM Panel VI - Implications for Defense Policymakers
Chair - Dr. Steven Metz
Panelists - COL Robert Johnson, Dr. Eric Haseltine, Mr. William
Doll, Mr. Kevin Cogan, Mr. Leonid Polyakov
Location - Bliss Hall

4:00PM-4:15PM Closing Remarks
Prof. Douglas Lovelace, Director of SSI
Location - Bliss Hall

Optional Free Workshop - Teaching Strategy Workshop

Friday, April 17

8:30-10:00 Panel I - Why is the pedagogy of strategy important? Is
strategy science or art, or both? Can strategy be taught?
Moderator - Dr. Robin Dorff
Panelists - Dr. Robert Kennedy, Mr. Richard Maltz, Dr. Thomaz
Güedes da Costa, Dr. Chris Paparone, Mr. Ross Harrison
Location - Wil Washcoe

10:20-11:50 Panel II - Is Strategy Currently Taught: What Models for
Teaching Strategy Can be Adapted?
Moderator - Dr. Robert Nation
Panelists - Major Michael Boire, Dr. Bradford Lee, Dr. Cynthia
Watson, Dr. Rich Yarger
Location - Wil Washcoe

12:00-1:15 Luncheon
Lieutenant General (Ret.) David Barno, Former Commander of
Allied Forces, Afghanistan, "
Making Strategy While Fighting a War"
Location - Wil Washcoe

1:30-3:15 Panel 3 - Teaching Strategy in the 21st Century. What Is the
Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Faculty Development for Teaching
Moderator: Dr. Gabriel Marcella
Panelists: General (Ret) Carlos Ospina, Dr. Robert Gray, Dr. Steve
Fought, Dr. Volker Franke
Location - Wil Washcoe

3:15-3:30 Comments by Major General Robert Williams, Commandant
Location - Wil Washcoe

3:30-4:40 Plenary Discussion
Location - Wil Washcoe

3 comentarios:

Ignacio dijo...

A mi con esto de la Universidad de Defensa y todo eso me queda un dudón; en que quedaran los estudios de los oficiales de la Guardia Civil, o estos no entrarán en la academia de ofciales, o les harán estudiar dos o años de una ingenieria o... ¿directamente a Aranjuez?

Anónimo dijo...

Ya lo dijo Rubalcaba, de químico a Ministro del Interior. Los Oficiales de la GC serán ingenieros.

Ignacio dijo...

¿Cuando dijo eso Rubalcaba? Pfff... En fin, supongo que será muy útil tener ingenieros industriales en la GC. Supongo que no hay carreras más acordes con la función que ejerce la GC. En fin, este circo es suma y sigue.