
Meanwhile EADS 'typhooned', Spain managed AEGIS system: a historical record

Today, conservative Spanish newspaper ABC has been delivered the third part of his series on EADS planning for Spanish actives and facilities

1. Cerca de 55.000 empleos estarían en juego si Airbus asume el control de la MTAD

2. Los «colegas españoles» de CASA sacan los colores a sus homólogos alemanes y franceses

3. Un proyecto estrella a la espera de los motores para remontar el vuelo

Basically, the ABC’s dossier becomes a fine picture about the current conflict to control EADS management using Spanish capabilities as a target. GEES, the franchising agit-prop mark of FAES, the official conservative think-tank led by former Spanish PM José María Aznar published today an urgent –and partisan- Op-Ed: EADS. Francia gana, España pierde. In this, GEES charged against both PM Zapatero policies and Mr. Gallois, EADS CEO and well-know French “enarchiste”, leadership, exploiting traditional 'anti-French' Spanish culture well established since Napoleonic 'hybrid' Wars.

By the way, ABC and GEES reports and analyses say nothing on Mr. Enders, AIRBUS CEO, former Bundeswehr Fallschimjager officer and business U.S. formed, who is considered the current troublemaker by Spanish and French EADS insiders.

No public Spanish Gov statement on EADS turmoil will be expected until talks with full hand of EADS actors and European decision-makers ended. Today, the current Spanish MoD Director of Armament and Material (DIGAM) paid off his first official visit to Getafe EADS factory. DIGAM –at Spanish level, similar than French DGA- is the responsible for Defense Acquisitions Planning, Control and Decision Processes.

Meanwhile, Spanish Navy maintained full budgetary credits –in Defence restrictions time- to manage the F-100 AEGIS ships in service and on construction. AEGIS System -Lockheed Martin Co. one's key product- had been integrated by public shipyards at Ferrol (Spain) up to 10 “state–of-the-art” platforms for both Spanish “Armada Real” F-100’s and Royal Norwegian Navy F-310’s. Alongside US Navy AEGIS ships, the combined force of 10 NATO European "brothers-in-arms" must provides the only full operative BMD capabilities over the European Mainland and Mediterranean Basin waters and approaches.

Historical records since 1989 linked each typhoon inside European aerospace and defense industries with new steps on transatlantic naval and strategic integration… No Spanish Gov since then changed policies on these issues... comprehensive approach 'avant la lettre'.

1 comentario:

XP dijo...

Por favor: "Armada española" así, con "e" minúscula -que no minusválora- porque adjetiva lo que es canónico, por oficial y sancionado.

Lo otro, por más que se le busque la vena historicista, no deja de ser equívoco para el foráneo, además de una muestra de complejo.

IMHO, claro ;)