
Gibraltar approaches, battleground for AlQaida

While polls in the autonomous regions of Galicia and Basqe Country will be held next Sunday in Spain, March 1, Gibraltar Strait approaches still one of the AlQaida networks main targets. Not in vain, up to 90.000 shiphs transit per year crossing it...

Nationalist parties from Basqe Country and Galicia had the key of Spanish political stability until 2010.

Meanwhile, the Centre d’Estudis Estratègics de Catalunya (CEEC) –a Catalonian nationalist right-wing “think-thank”- warned yesterday over the connections between drug smuggling and other “common” criminal activities and the Al Qaeda franchising, especially at Barcelona. CEEC’s article La delinqüència internacional s’estableix a Catalunya said that “the Barcelona’s metropolitan area still under the most developed world secret services survilleance”.

It’s well know that Pak’s ISI, Moroccan intelligence services or Israelí’s Mossad cooperate alongside Spanish authorities to prevent attacks on or from Spain. After Madrid’s 11-M attacks, American, French, Italian, German and British services maintained full commitment to do the same here in Spain.

By the way, Spanish newspaper El País informed yesterday too about the first Magreb Intelligence Chiefs Summit hold in Mauritania. In his French version, Sommet du renseignement maghrébin pour faire face à Al Qaida, the well-know journalist, specialist in Maghreb affairs, Ignacio Cembrero wrote: “Westeners blamed the lack of cooperation between Morocco and Algeria against Islamic terror’s cells”.

During past years, Spanish Intelligence officers had been established a “big picture” over the main risks from Islamic terror network between London (UK) and Timbuktu (Malí). They, as is logical, warn about Islamic terrorist cells established in Spain...

But the deep knowledge remains obscure, including for both U.S. and French Intelligence services…

Perhaps, like in the fight against Mafia led time ago by assassinated Carabinieri General Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, the key for success against Islamic terror network in both sides of Gibraltar Strait is look for the money… (Photo: The Rock of Gibraltar at night).

For further global information, please, take a watch at Athena Intelligence –a specialized Spanish “think-tank”-, on Fernando Celaya’s article To what extent was Western intelligence at fault in failing to indentify the nature of the terrorist threat before 9/11 and its aftermath? (March 2009).

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