
Krepinevich and Bacevich warn. In Spain, olé

2 comentarios:

Carlos Sardiña Galache dijo...

Usted, los "regulares" y los "irregulares" deberían leer este demoledor artículo sobre Afganistán escrito por Rory Stewart (que no es precisamente un "antisistema") para London Review of Books, "The Irresistible Illusion":

"The language of modern policy does not help us to declare the limits to our power and capacity; to concede that we can do less than we pretend or that our enemies can do less than we pretend; to confess how little we know about a country like Afghanistan or how little we can predict about its future; or to acknowledge that we might be unwelcome or that our presence might be perceived as illegitimate or that it might make things worse."


madisonrepublicano dijo...

Lo mismo se decía sobre Irak hace dos años.