Tengo para mí que las chicas y los chicos de Wilton Park, entidad fundada por un tal Winston S. Churchil, no son idiotas.
Transcribo el anuncio que hacen hoy, 26 de diciembre de 2007, las gentes de Small Wars Journal y el programa, programa, programa de la conferencia a celebrar en marzo de 2008, después de las Idus en este Reino. Están casi todos los que son y son todos los que están; alguno, digo yo, rojos perdidos. La foto es de la región de Darfur (Sudán).
13-16 March 2008 - Meeting the Challenges of Counter-Insurgency and Stabilisation Operations: Strategic Issues and Options (Public Event).
West Sussex, Great Britain. Organised by Wilton Park, a non-profit-making Executive Agency of the UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office, but with academic independence. Wilton Park conferences bring together senior policy practitioners, politicians, business people, academics, NGO representatives, journalists and other opinion formers, from a range of countries for informal, off-the-record discussions that analyse recent developments and highlight the best ways of moving forward. This two and a half day conference will examine issues such as the role of counter-insurgency and stabilisation operations in the security policies of allied governments, sustaining political and public support for long-term campaigns, evolving doctrine and practice, the implications of irregular operations for military capability requirements, generating adequate civilian expeditionary capability, increasing the effectiveness of national and multi-national civil-military strategic planning and co-ordination, and developing a long-term strategic plan for Afghanistan.
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