Si servidor fuera ciudadano británico, mi partido sería el Laborista.
Transcibo varios párrafos de la declaración hecha ayer por el premier Gordon Brown en la Cámara de los Comunes, extraída de la página oficial de dicho partido.
The Prime Minister’s full statement:
-check against delivery-
Mr Speaker, the statement I wish to make today is to set out detailed proposals for political reconciliation and economic reconstruction in Iraq, for the security of the Iraqi people, the future configuration, equipment for and security of our own armed forces, and about the obligations we owe to the local Iraqi staff who have supported us in our efforts.
The House will want me to start by paying tribute to the 7 members of our armed forces who since July have lost their lives in action in Iraq:
Corporal Stephen Edwards, Private Craig Barber, Leading Aircraftman Martin Beard, Lance Sergeant Christopher Casey, Lance Corporal Kirk Redpath, Sergeant Mark Stansfield, Sergeant Eddie Collins
And the 18 who have died in Afghanistan:
Lance Corporal Alex Hawkins, Guardsman David Atherton, Sergeant Barry Keen, Lance Corporal Michael Jones, Captain David Hicks, Private Tony Rawson, Private Aaron James McClure, Private Robert Graham Foster, Private John Trumble, Private Damian Wright, Private Ben Ford, Private Johan Botha, Private Brian Tunnicliffe, Senior Aircraftman Christopher Bridge, Sergeant Craig Brelsford, Corporal Ivano Violino, Colour Sergeant Phillip Newman, Major Alexis Roberts.
Mr Speaker, the safety and security of our armed forces remains our highest priority.
The Mastiff patrol vehicle offers the best known protection against mines and roadside bombs and I can announce today that in addition to the 100 bought and deployed last year in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence is placing an order for an additional 140 Mastiff patrol vehicles.
Cuando redacto esta nota, sobrevuelan mi oficina los medios aéreos de las Fuerzas Armadas españolas, entrenando para el desfile del 12 de octubre: servidor y los mecánicos del taller de automoción que está al lado, observamos su paso sin apenas dejar de trabajar...
1 comentario:
Me parece extraordinariamente digna la forma en que se inicia este debate , ante sus Señorias.
Es una muestra de respeto a los soldados que el poder político envía a velar por los intereses de su nación. Pero además es una forma inteligente de respetar y hacerse respetar (en la tribuna de oradores, porque demuestra que no van a hablar de algo tan vacuo comola compra de papeleras, por muy caras que sean: hablan de respetar y proteger a sus soldados.
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