
2nd Annual Tactical Vehicles Summit. Una nota de 21 de julio de 2007, sobre los MRAP

2nd Annual Tactical Vehicles Summit. April 27 - 29, 2009 · Hilton McLean Tysons Corner, VA

  • Get the latest updates on tactical vehicle procurement, technology and development, and fleet modernization, including MRAP, JLTV, and FMTV
  • Gain first-hand insight into the new MRAP-ALL Terrain (M-ATV)
  • Increase foreign investment – learn Department of State tactical vehicle export and import trade controls
  • Hear about short and medium-term strategies in tactical vehicle procurement and replacement
  • Discuss new vehicles in the future outlook for the military

    Featuring a distinguished speaker faculty that includes:

  • MG James Chambers, USA - Commanding General, United States Army Combined Arms Support Command
  • MG David Halverson, USA - Director of Army Force Development
  • COL Mike Smith, USA - Director of Training, Doctrine, and Combat Development, US Army Armor Center/Chief of Mounted Requirements Division
  • COL Brian Dosa, USA - Army Operational Test Command
  • Col Michael Micucci, USMC - LAV Program Manager, TACOM, Marine Corps Systems Command
  • Lt Col Lior Kotick - Israel Ministry of Defense
  • Michael Gallagher - Program Manager, Expeditionary Power Systems, Marine Corps Systems Command
  • Robert Hobbs - Deputy TRADOC Capability Manager

Download the program agenda (Updated 3/13) & Download the event brochure


Sin más comentarios, transcribo una nota de trabajo fechada el 21 de julio de 2007, sobre los MRAP, conservada en mis archivos personales. Lo hago para general conocimiento y para seguir apoyando a los que se exponen día a día. La foto fue tomada en Irak con anterioridad...


"There is no fail-safe. These IEDs, these large IEDs can destroy an Abrams tank. So there is no sure-fire guarantee that anything will provide absolute protection against these. But I think the experience of the Marines in Anbar suggests that the MRAP, and particularly with the V-shaped hull, does provide significantly enhanced protection for the soldiers and Marines inside."

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates from DoD Media Roundtable






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