Los tíos de SWJ lo recomiendan. Yo lo he bajado y lo estoy rumiando. Destaco:
"Previous terror attacks in non-war zone countries such as India, London, Spain, the United States, Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, and elsewhere have consisted of suicide or conventional bombings on one or more critical soft targets such as hotels, resorts, cafes, rail stations, trains, or in the case of the Sept. 11 attack, planes used as suicide bombs.
The only attack similar to the Mumbai strike is the assault on the Indian Parliament by the Jaish-e-Mohammed, aided by the Lashkar-e-Taiba, in December 2001. A team of Jaish-e-Mohammed fighters attempted to storm the parliament building while in a session was held. A combination of mishaps by the terrorists and the quick reaction of security guards bunted the attack".
Bonita portada del Manual de la Policía de Bombay contra Bombas
Bombay, servidor en Radio Sefarad y recomendación de Larga noche en Bombay, por Eva Borreguero en El País.
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