Reading newspapers regarding Spanish Intelligence Service (CNI) crisis today Sunday, El general Cassinello pidió en 2008 el cese del director del CNI (Miguel González, El País) and La casa de los espías (Martín Ferrand, ABC).
Sir Fitzroy Hew Royle MacLean of Dunconnel, 1st Baronet KT CBE , 1st Baronet (1911–1996), Scottish diplomat, soldier, adventurer, author... From 1989 to death he returned to serve HM and Britain during the last Balkan War...
His papers still conserved at Virginia (US). From the guide:
For the 1990's, the time of war and the dissolution of Yugoslavia , there is correspondence with David Owen, Stevan Dedijer and others, and about the Korcula Emergency Appeal, a relief effort for a hospital on the island of Korcula, Croatia, organized by the Macleans; letters from Yugoslav friends describing the turmoil , and/or seeking assistance in finding jobs in the United Kingdom; correspondence about renewed controversy about the British Military Mission in World War II. and the Aldington-Tolstoy Libel Case concerning the repatriation of Yugoslavs in 1945. It should also be noted that in Series II, Subseries B, Literary Material pertaining to Yugoslavia, there is some correspondence filed with the manuscripts, typescripts, articles and radio and television transcripts
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D. Jorge, menudo papelón que ha hecho su partido. Lo peor es que con la dimisión ya se olvidará todo y no intervendrá la Justicia, porque pagar la jornada de pesca con fondos públicos es un delito, y si es cierto (y por eso ha dimitido) debe acabar el Sr. Saiz en la cárcel
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